What's included?
Hardback: 26 pages
Age Range: 3 - 8 years
Publisher: The Imagination Tree Publishing
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0995686106
Product Dimensions: 24 x 1 x 27 cm (9.4" x 0.4" x 10.6" inches)
"In the clouds not too far above your home, live the teeny tiny Kindness Elves who spend their days making special kindness potions. One day they discover they need the help of some very special children on a very important kindness mission!"
This beautiful hardback book tells the sweet story of where the Kindness Elves live, who they are and what they do all day. It explains how they first came to meet children and work together on acts of kindness as a team. Your kids will recognise them and their little house, instantly.
The Story of the Kindness Elves introduces children to the joy that showing daily acts of kindness can bring, in whimsical and magical ways. The book is a wonderful introduction to the Kindness Elves dolls and Accessories Kit.
Every page of the book is beautifully illustrated with hand-painted watercolours, by our friend Naomi Berry - and looks stunning!